Posts tagged: Pregnancy

My Children and Pregnancy Loss Stories

My Children and Pregnancy Loss Stories


Due to the fact that not everyone is ready to openly discuss pregnancy loss I posted my 23 year journey of 3 beautiful babies and 7 angel babies on my page tab at the top.

It is very open and honest and may be too difficult for some to read.

However, I did want to provide the link and here it is.

Please only read if you are emotionally ready to here someone else’s journey into heart break .

I didn’t pull any punches and threw it all out there.

So many miscarriage stories I see seem to be incomplete and I don’t want to rewrite mine so here it is and I hope it will help someone.

Please let me know if it helps you.

30+ Things to Do when Stuck On Your Bum (a.k.a. Bed rest)

30+ Things to Do WHen Stuck On Your Bum AKA Bed rest FB

30+ Things to Do When Stuck on Your Bum aka Bed Rest

How many of you have been knocked off your feet because you ran out of spoons, over did it, had surgery, dislocated a joint, had a complicated pregnancy or suffered some other set back?

Being stuck off your feet, unable to work and take care of yourself, your house and your family can leave you feeling very depressed.

It gives you lots of time to think about the pain and problems in your life.

This post has been created to help combat those feelings.

I actually have a list and small basket of items I allow to accumulate to work on whenever I am forced off my feet (which happens a lot).  The last few years I have learned to save my sanity by doing physical things first and setting aside the less pressing/easy to do/sitting things at the end of the day or when I am required to bed rest.

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