A Cell Phone, A Blizzard, A Freezer, and Brain Fog

I am sure you find yourself wondering what exactly a cell phone, a blizzard, a freezer and brain fog have in common.


The "evidence" frozen in place.

The “evidence” frozen in place.

 (Sorry about the rough photo.)

As many of you know I have been quite absent from the blog the past month or so.  I apologize for that and expect to begin regularly (on schedule) beginning January 2nd.

What you might not know is that I have been struggling with my own EDS, and even more time consuming (and draining) the health of my youngest daughter.   Thankfully, we are beginning to find answers and she has become more stable and stronger in the past few weeks. Read more »

Get The Word Out Wednesday #4-2014


Get the Word Out Wednesday

Hello everyone!  I am back.

I have to apologize for being absent for the past two weeks, with everything going on in my life I did not realize it had been two weeks since I posted or checked in through anything but facebook.

Just a little update on my world.

  I know I have a “anticipated” schedule I had hope to adhere too but the recent setback of my own health and my daughters put a damper on that plan.

I will be back in force in January.

If you missed the last link-up feel free to check it out here. Read more »

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