My primary doctor has referred me to a rheumatologist, who I will see in June, because my last blood test revealed a positive ANA panel. This means I likely have an autoimmune disorder, on top of everything else.
I am scared to go see this specialist, as my last rheumatologist I saw outright told me I was crazy (!), was too young to have so many problems, and that I was obviously making it all up, I was being dramatic, and it was all in my head.
It’s a tale too many chronically ill patients hear.
I’m not being dramatic; I’m being honest.
I wouldn’t be paying a medical professional to help me if I wasn’t at breaking point!
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To view the beginning of this Spoonie story click here.
20 years of failed allergy injections are also now behind me; new allergies were diagnosed, but I was able to stop my injections.
I actually feel better OFF the injections than I did when I had them.
Go figure! Despite increased medical costs in this state, moving to Florida was the best decision I have ever made.
As far as my diagnoses go, I have quite a few.
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Tags: cardiologist, Chronic Illness, CLassical Type, Dysautonomia, echocardiogram, EDS, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Hypermobility, Marfans Syndrome, Nerve pain, Postural Orthastic Tachycardia Syndrome, POTS, Scoliosis, Spoonie
Real Life Stories | TinaMiller |
May 22, 2016 4:26 pm |
Comments (1)
A 26 Year Old Spoonie Shares Her Story (Part 1)
My name is Nicole.
I am 26 years old, and a Spoonie.
Ever since I was a baby there was always something underlyingly wrong with me that held me back in life and kept me from being “normal”.
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