Grocery Shopping
Those two words alone bring aching hips, lower back pain, and a massive headache to mind and that’s just the thought pushing a cart through the store.
Today I hope to compile and share a list of shortcuts and hints I use to get the most for my money with the least amount of time and effort in the grocery store. Read more »
Why You Should Menu PlanWith a Chronic Illness
Just 30 minutes or less a week can save you more time, stress and spoons than you could ever imagine.
When I began writing the kitchen spoon saver series I began referring to my “menu plan”. It was then I realized I should probably begin with a post about why menu planning is important and how it works.
Below I wanted to share a few of the objections/questions I have encountered over time and my response to each.
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I don’t know about you, but cleaning and maintaining my house is one of the hardest things I do, and kitchen cleaning seems to need done every.single. day.
As a mom of three with EDS I have a very limited amount of spoons to use each day, and kitchen cleaning and cooking uses most of them. Over time I have found shortcuts, tools and adaptations to help me work smarter and not harder, which is much easier for my body and spoons.
Not sure what I mean when I refer to my “spoons“? Read the article that explains it all here.
Today I want to share my 12 favorite “spoonsavers” for kitchen cleaning.
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