Posts tagged: Saving Spoons

Tools For Prepping Food In the Kitchen With a Physical Challenge

I am certain we all have special “tools” we use in our kitchen to make cooking easier.

One of the most common questions I hear is “How can you….?”

This is the first in a short series of kitchen adaptations and tools I use to enable my time and energy to stretch just a little farther

My top tools for prepping

1.  Counter height bar stool

I do not use it every time I cook but it is extremely handy when my legs, ankles, hips or lower back will not let me stand.   I use it when cooking, prepping, doing dishes, etc…

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Why You Should Menu Plan With a Chronic Illness

 Why You Should Menu Plan With a Chronic Illness

Why You Should Menu PlanWith a Chronic Illness

Just 30 minutes or less a week can save you more time, stress and spoons than you could ever imagine.

When I began writing the kitchen spoon saver series I began referring to my “menu plan”.  It was then I realized I should probably begin with a post about why menu planning is important and how it works.

Below I wanted to share a few of the objections/questions I have encountered over time and my response to each.

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