Posts tagged: Physical Challenges

Get the Word Out Wednesday #6-2015

Get the Word Out Wednesday

Thank you for stopping by and please be sure to tell everyone you know (bloggers and readers) about the opportunity to spread the word.

It is has been another fun filled week here at The Zippy Zebra Household.  I have been reaching out to more chronic illness communities in hopes to “Get the Word Out” asking them to share their “Real Life Stories” for our Tuesday and Thursday series.  If you are interested in sharing your story please do so by emailing it to [email protected] or click here for more details on what we are looking for.

I have been speaking to some great women in the EDS community including a paranormal author Rebecca Howard-Patrick whose current series contains a protagonist with EDS. Her first book is available on Amazon at a discount right now Windwood FarmMysti Guymon-Reutlinger author of Journey to Health: A Holistic Approach to Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.  And a model, still working despite her EDS complications.  All have agreed to share their stories in our “Real Life Story” series and I can’t wait to begin sharing.  I am not certain when these will be posted due to time constraints and deadlines everyone has but I have been promised they will share.  I want to be honest and share in advance I have not had to opportunity to read either of the books above as I just discovered them recently BUT I have ordered both and can’t wait to begin the next time I have a little room to breathe.

If you or someone you know is an author, blogger, video person or has a story to share please send them our email and ask them to share with us. [email protected]

I also began a “Closed” facebook group for encouraging those of us who find it difficult to do the everyday things in life (dishes, getting out of bed, laundry, dinner), etc… Check the details out at  “Celebrating Each Day, Each Project, Each Accomplishment at a time.”   You can request to join here.   It is to offer encouragement to each other as we make plans for the day and try to complete them.

We will be hosting a “Get the Word Out Wednesday” Link-up EVERY  Wednesday for blogs featuring articles that will help those with a chronic illness. Read more »

Get The Word Out Wednesday-Week 1

Welcome to our first Get The Word Out Wednesday Link-up.

Get the Word Out Wednesday

We will be hosting a “Get the Word Out Wednesday” Link-up EVERY  Wednesday for blogs featuring articles that will help those with chronic illness.

This linkup is not only for zebras but ANYONE with a chronic illness that has a personal story, help (allergen-free recipes, ideas), adaptation ideas, testimoniasl or anything that would be helpful or encouraging to others, (even sharing a day in your life).

The idea of the “Get The Word Out”   link-up is to spread the word about our illnesses, adaptations, short-cuts, tools, articles, stories, etc… and support each other during this sometimes lonely journey.

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Spoonsavers for Writing

Spoonsavers For Writing

Part 3- Helping Your EDS Child

Or anyone with writing challenges.

Spoonsavers For Writing

One of the biggest challenges our children face everyday is the amount of writing required for school.  We have tried multiple “spoonsavers” and are looking into trying others.  None of them remove all the pain, but some of them seem to help.  I can’t guarantee which options will work best for you, but we would like to share as many as possible.  Starting with the least expensive and building up.

This post contains affiliate links at no additional cost to you.  After we began the Zippy (and this article was first written) we added a program to help offset the cost of running a blog.  This does not affect our content or the free reading and info; it just allows us to help pay for a few of the things we need to stay running efficiently.

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