Welcome to our first Get The Word Out Wednesday Link-up.

We will be hosting a “Get the Word Out Wednesday” Link-up EVERY Wednesday for blogs featuring articles that will help those with chronic illness.
This linkup is not only for zebras but ANYONE with a chronic illness that has a personal story, help (allergen-free recipes, ideas), adaptation ideas, testimoniasl or anything that would be helpful or encouraging to others, (even sharing a day in your life).
The idea of the “Get The Word Out” link-up is to spread the word about our illnesses, adaptations, short-cuts, tools, articles, stories, etc… and support each other during this sometimes lonely journey.
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Tags: Adaptations, Chronic Illness, EDS, Food Allergies, Get The Word OUt, Invisible Illness, Link up, Linky Party, Lupus, Physical Challenges, Spoonsavers
Get The Word Out Link Up | TinaMiller |
November 5, 2014 8:36 am |
Comments (5)

We have covered most of the school spoonsavers, mobility spoonsavers and at-home for school spoonsavers in previous posts.
These 12 “spoonsavers” are things we have done for our children at one time or another in order to reduce the amount of stress and pain in ALL of our lives.
A child who can accomplish things on their own is a child with a healthier esteem.
Even if that means making some small adjustments to what society says is “normal”.
I, personally, could go insane trying to help my girls dress, eat and live their daily lives.
Since I struggle with EDS too I try to find adaptations “spoonsavers” to encourage them to be independent and allow me to keep what little mind I have left intact. Read more »
My Top Ten Spoonsavers From The Pampered Chef
Tags: Cookie SHeet, Double griddle, Double Grill, EDS, EDS fundraiser, Giveaway, Kitchen spoonsavers, Pampered Chef Giveaway, pink zebra, Spoonsavers, zebra, Zebra towel
Tools 4 Taking Life Back | TinaMiller |
October 9, 2014 4:28 pm |
Comments (6)
Classroom Spoonsavers (Part 4- Helping Your EDS Child)

This post is designed to share some of the in classroom “spoonsavers” you can use to make each school day a little less painful. You can find writing “spoonsavers” here and out of classroom spoonsavers here.
Not every child will need these classroom spoonsavers (adaptations). Please pick and choose what is best for your child.
If you and your child can suggest any ideas that are not listed, please do so in the comments section of this post.
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Spoonsavers For Writing
Part 3- Helping Your EDS Child
Or anyone with writing challenges.

One of the biggest challenges our children face everyday is the amount of writing required for school. We have tried multiple “spoonsavers” and are looking into trying others. None of them remove all the pain, but some of them seem to help. I can’t guarantee which options will work best for you, but we would like to share as many as possible. Starting with the least expensive and building up.
This post contains affiliate links at no additional cost to you. After we began the Zippy (and this article was first written) we added a program to help offset the cost of running a blog. This does not affect our content or the free reading and info; it just allows us to help pay for a few of the things we need to stay running efficiently.
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Tags: 504 IEP, Accomodations, Dragon Speak, Dragon Talk, EDS Parenting Help, EDS tools, Ergnomic, Hand Pain, Pain free Writing, Physical Challenges, Ring Splints, Spoonsavers, Writing, Writing Tools
Helping Your Unusual Child, Tools 4 Taking Life Back | TinaMiller |
October 3, 2014 5:56 pm |
Comments (9)