This has been a super busy week at The Zippy with the launch of E.D.S. Awareness month.

The T-shirts we created to spread awareness are ready, are affordable and can be shipped straight to you. NO waiting for a minimum.
You can find the link here.
We have also been sharing one E.D.S. Story a Day in our “Real Life Stories” Series.
We would love to have you share YOUR story as well. Details on how and what we are looking for are found on our submissions page.
Anyone submitting their story by midnight CST May 10th will be entered in the drawing for an “Ask Me About E.D.S.” T-shirt. All stories will be printed but the T-shirt winner will be announced May 11th.
Our goal is to continue sharing at least one E.D.S. story daily as we do our part to spread awareness and how it truly affects each and every on of us.
“Sharing Sunday” Link-up is available EVERY Sunday for blogs featuring articles that will help those with a chronic illness.
This linkup is not only for the chronically ill but for everyone that has a personal story, that offers help (allergen-free recipes and ideas), adaptation ideas, testimonials or anything that would be helpful or encouraging to others, (even sharing a day in your life).
The idea of the “Get The Word Out” link-up is to spread the word about our illnesses, adaptations, short-cuts, tools, articles, stories, recipes, income earning ideas, etc… and to support each other during this sometimes, lonely journey.
Bloggers struggling with pain and challenges can visit other sites, while non-bloggers can find others like them and follow along in addition to finding recipes, tips and adaptations that may help.
I LOVE fun, crafty, anything goes linkups but the “Sharing Sunday” Link-up is not one of those.
We will have a few guidelines to keep the links useful and uplifting to our readers.
Bloggers before linking up please follow our guidelines found here.
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